Providing inclusive design support across multiple organisations

Screenshots of inclsuivley workshop traning sessions, slide decks, discussion guide template tools, person tools and overall design process maps


We often run a series of workshops for organisations, we start from initial introductions to inclusive service design right the way through to tips on how to implement inclusive experiences.

These workshops are often run as part of a larger project as to properly build inclusive service design capability teams really need to learn by doing.


Training and coaching

We run initial inclusive service designing training sessions for organisations - these can be 1:1 workshops or larger scale team workshops. These are often used to kick start building inclusive service design capability within an organisation and is followed by a larger project. We also provide coaching, this is often following a larger project to continue to provide some light-touch guidance as a team keeps building confidence with designing inclusive services and products

Lots of hands writing and moving post it notes around on large paper on a table
Three people wearing empathy googles looks at a tv screen

Client: Multiple

Services: Service Design, User Research, Building Muscle