Co-designing an inclusive curriculum of support for social enterprise - Fat Macy’s
Project aims:
Fat Macy’s trains and supports Londoners in temporary accommodation to become chefs, with the aim to help them move into their own homes.
Inclusively supported the Fat Macy's team to co-create an inclusive curriculum of support, enabled them to further track their impact and improve the overall trainee experience.
Inclusively and Fat Macy’s worked together as one team to co-design, prototype and test the support curriculum and impact measurement framework. We ran feedback sessions with trainees throughout the process to ensure that we were creating resources that would be regularly used, flexible and inclusive. We built up inclusive service design capability within the team throughout the process.
Impact and outcomes:
Creating a support and wellbeing curriculum
We created wellbeing support tools and activities that could be used remotely when needed and also in a face-to-face environment. The curriculum of support has helped to clarify what areas of support trainees can access through Fat Macy’s and provides signposting to other support networks where needed. This curriculum of support has also helped engagement officers to share resources, learnings and make the most of their time with trainees.
Building a live impact measurement framework
We co-created an impact measurement framework that has enabled the team to easily track the progress of their trainees and measure the organisation’s overall impact.
The impact measurement framework has enabled the team to see what areas they need to focus on improving and has made it easier for them to showcase their impact.
“The project ran smoothly and in a very constructively critical manner. I firmly believe our service is more actionable, accessible and ultimately impactful as a result of our work. It was incredibly useful to work collaboratively to redesign our service in a way we are all happy with!”
—Teddy Getachew, Progression & Engagement Officer at Fat Macys
Client: Fat Macy’s
Services: Service Design, Co-Design, User Research, Implementation, Building Muscle